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Cms Stone Sawjets are a Numerically Controlled stone bridge saws with five axes (X, Y, Z, C, B) combinded with CMS/Brembana’s Tecnocut Waterjet system and is suitable for cutting slabs in marble, granite, natural stone and composite stone. It can perform any type of vertical and inclined cut, plus Formax Jet includes all the advantages which a waterjet can bring as well.
New generation of 5-axes bridge saw entirely managed with Numeric Control.
Compact and easy to install, it does not require any kind of base so it can be re-located almost immediately. The machine is fitted with an abrasive waterjet cutting head which, by working in combination with the diamond disk, means natural stone and composite slab cutting can be automated when there are interferent cuts and internal angles. The machine is designed for all laboratories that cut natural stone, composite and ceramic slabs.
FormaxJet is a Numerically Controlled stone bridge saw with five axis (X, Y, Z, C, B) combinded with CMS/Brembana’s Tecnocut Waterjet system and is suitable for cutting slabs in marble, granite, natural stone and composite stone. In Formax’s standard configuration it can perform any type of vertical and inclined cut, plus FormaxJet includes all the advantages which a waterjet can bring as well. Making it the ideal investment for any stone processor in need of both a waterjet & bridge saw without needing to invest in 2 machines.
SprintJet is a Numerically Controlled stone bridge saw with five axes (X, Y, Z, C, B) combinded with CMS/Brembana’s Tecnocut Waterjet system and is suitable for cutting slabs in marble, granite, natural stone and composite stone. In Sprint’s standard configuration it can perform any type of vertical and inclined cuts on stone, plus SprintJet includes all the advantages which a waterjet can bring as well. Making it the ideal investment for any stone processor in need of both a waterjet & bridge saw without needing to invest in 2 machines.