Dust extraction

sigma group dust extrACTION
The dust-intaking Modulbox solves the problems connected with the powder produced by the working of marble and granite. Sigma produces two different models for dust extraction for stone working factories; a water wall system, or a dry wall system which does not require water.
The air, which is full of dust, is taken in by Modulbox internal fans, and then it is filtered through thin water surfaces; the dust gets heavy because of the absorbed water, and then falls into the basin full of water placed underneath, blasting completely. This can be coupled with one of Sigmas water filtration systems to recycle the water.
DRy wall MB
The drywall MB from Sigma Group is a dry wall dust extraction machine, suitable for any busy factory. The machine sucks the dust out of the air, and conveniently collects this for waste, helping keep your work environment & the external environment cleaner.